PIANOFORTE - Building a Collaborative Future for radiation protection: Integrating Community Efforts and Open Call Successes
PIANOFORTE session "Building a Collaborative Future for radiation protection: Integrating Community Efforts and Open Call Successes" was held
on Wednesday 13 November 2024 during European Radiation Protection Week 2024. The session has been opened by project coordinator Jean-Christoph Gariel (IRSN). Next, executive board members Filip Vanhavere (SCK CEN) and Tomasz Kalita (NCBR) reviewed how the processes of prioritisation, selection of call topics and review of research project proposals are developing and evolving. Presentations of the progress and achievements of the research projects followed:
Francesca De Monte (VIO)
The SONORA Project: toward safe optimized and personalized radiology and radiotherapy procedures for pregnant patients
Simonetta Pazzaglia (ENEA)
DISCOVER: Dissecting radIation effectS into the Cerebellum micrOenVironmEnt driving tumour pRomotion
Géza Sáfrány (NNGYK)
Synergy between IMMPRINT and IMAGEOMICS projects to improve breast cancer patient health and safety
Clemens Woda (BfS)
ImPRovements in atmospheric dispErsion moDellIng and proteCTive action strategies in case of nuclear detonations – The PREDICT Project
Michel Koole (KU Leuven)
LuTADose: Personalized dosimetry to improve the clinical outcome of prostate cancer patients treated with 177Lu/225Ac-PSMA targeted therapies
Jan Helebrant (SÚRO)
Preliminary results from the first year of the research project PIANOFORTE CITISTRA
Luana de Freitas Nascimento (SCK CEN)
In vivo patient-specific real-time dosimetry for adaptive radiotherapy (VERIFIED): WP1 - Development of Anthropomorphic Phantoms
Liz Ainsbury (UKHSA, UK) closed this overarching session with "A vision for “FAIR” data and infrastructures in radiation protection".