Federica Panzarella | SCK CEN, Belgium | Workshop in Italy for data gathering (fieldwork) | Report (PDF) |
Fernando Miguel Costa | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João Oporto, Portugal | Participation in ESTRO 2024 | Report (PDF) |
Léa Dasque | IRSN, France | Exchange visit to Fukushima University, Japan | Report (PDF) |
Katalin Balázs | Semmelweis University, Hungary | Attending ERRS 2024 in Aveiro, Portugal | Report (PDF) |
Lisa Deloch | Universitätsklinikum Erlangen, Germany | Attending COSPAR in Busan, Republic of Korea | Report (PDF) |
Anna Selivanova | SURO, Czech Republic | Participate in NERIS workshop in Attica, Greece | Report (PDF) |
Begoña Pérez López | CIEMAT, Spain | Oral presentation at IRPA 16th congress, Orlando, Florida | Report (PDF) |
Soroush Majlesi | University of Helsinki, Finland | Participation in ICRER 2024, Marseille, France | Report (PDF) |
Cansu Özcan Kılcan | University of Tartu, Estonia | Participation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, Norway | Report (PDF) |
Diogo Almeida | Hasselt University, Belgium | Participation in the 12th Interrad Course, BfS, Germany | Report (PDF) |
Francesca Duchi | Sapienza University - INAIL, Italy | Participation in the 12th Interrad Course, BfS, Germany | Report (PDF) |
Feline Heinzelmann | WPE, Essen and Dortmund University, Germany | Attending PTCOG 62 in Singapore | Report (PDF) |
Lordford Tettey-Larbi | University of Pannonia, Hungary | Attending RADONORM course in Katowice, Poland | Report (PDF) |
Shamil Samanta Galvez Febles | BfS, Germany | Participation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, Norway | Report (PDF) |
Zahra Shirani | University of Eastern Finland | Participation in ICRER 2024, Marseille, France | Report (PDF) |
Telma Silva Marques | Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal | Participation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, Norway | Report (PDF) |
Margot Crevet | IRSN, France | Study effects of ionizing radiation on honeybee colonies near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, Japan | Report (PDF) |
Eleftherios Tzanis | University of Crete, Greece | Participation in the 5th ECMP in Munich, Germany | Report (PDF) |
Ilona Barbara Csordàs | NCPHP, Hungary | Participation in ERRS 2024 conference, Portugal | Report (PDF) |
Íñigo Lara-Aristimuño | University Hospital Salut Sant Joan de Reus-Baix Camp, Spain | Participation in ESTRO training course | Report (PDF) |
Dominika Kochanová | Biomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Slovakia | Participation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, Italy | Report (PDF) |
Margareta Metzner | German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Germany | Attending the IEEE Medical Imaging conference, Tampa, Florida | Report (PDF) |
Laura Ruspeckhofer | Uniklinikum Erlangen, Germany | Participation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, Italy | Report (PDF) |
Maria Karampiperi | Lund University, Sweden | Participation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, Italy | Report (PDF) |
Anja Schroff | University of Gothenburg, Sweden | Participation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, Italy | Report (PDF) |
Jonathan Sundström | University of Gothenburg, Sweden | Participation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, Italy | Report (PDF) |