Calls Travel grants for early career researchers

Travel grants for early career researchers

General description
The European Partnership PIANOFORTE, funded by HE EURATOM programme, offers 40,000 € per year for travel awards to junior scientists working in the field of radiation protection research. Support can be given for participation in a conference, in a course or for an exchange visit to a research laboratory.

Who is eligible?
Early career researchers (max 7 years after gaining the PhD), PhD or MSc students working in the broad field of radiation protection research. The support is not paid to BSc students. At the time of the trip, an eligible person must be affiliated to an institution within one of the 27 European Union member states or Ukraine.

When should you apply?
Applications may be submitted at any time. However, there are 4 application deadlines per year:

After each deadline a maximum sum of 10,000 € will be paid out to the top applicants. The maximal level of support per applicant is 1000€.

The support is only granted:

How to apply:
  1. Fill the application form (download here).
  2. Send additional documents neccessary for correct evaluation of your application. The documents needed are:

The application form and all documents should be sent to Anne von Euler at

Evaluation procedure
The decision about support will be made within 15 days after the nearest application deadline. The time of application in relation to the deadline has no influence on the evaluation outcome. The applications will be evaluated by the Education and Training Committee (ETC), consisting of the members of task 4.2.

The following evaluation criteria and ranking will be applied:

Successful applicants will be required to submit a report on their visit on completion of the activity. Also, they are encouraged to share their experience within the PIANOFORTE community, e.g. on PIANOFORTE website and available social media channels. All publications resulting from the mobility activities shall acknowledge the PIANOFORTE Mobility Programme by using the following sentence:
This work has been partially supported by the PIANOFORTE project that has received funding from the H2020-EURATOM research and innovation program under the 101061037 grant agreement.

Successful applicants will be reimbursed after completion of the activity and after submission of proofs of expenses.

Considering the European Green Deal
When planning the travel please consider the possibility of reducing the carbon footprint. Actions to be considered include preferential choice of train transportation and minimizing printing of any paper material.

Travel grants awarded in 2023

NameUniversity / InstituteAim of applicationActivity report
Ana VaniquiSCK CEN, BelgiumExchange visitReport (PDF)
Sofie ApersUniversity of Antwerp, BelgiumResearch stay - Trinity College, DublinReport (PDF)
Milagrosa Lopez RiegoStockholm University, SwedenConference participation ICRPReport (PDF)
Omar ElsaeedBundesamt für Strahlenschutz, GermanyParticipation in RadoNorm course CELETReport (PDF)
Erica MaremontiCERAD / NMBU, NorwayParticipation in a SINFONIA short courseReport (PDF)
Jannes TorfsUniversity of Hasselt, BelgiumExchange visit - GIGReport (PDF)
Stephen AhenkorahKatholieke Universiteit Leuven, BelgiumConference participation -iSRSReport (PDF)
Matthijs SevenoisVrije Universiteit Brussel, BelgiumConference participation - TAT 12Report (PDF)
Nathalie HeynickxUniversity of Ghent / SCK CEN, BelgiumParticipation in 2nd IWRMR conferenceReport (PDF)
Zuzana KocibalovaStockholm University, SwedenConference participation - ICRRReport (PDF)
Dan BaakenIMBEI, GermanyConference participation - ISoREDReport (PDF)
Margot VanheukelomSCK CEN, BelgiumConference participation - ENVIRAReport (PDF)
Martin HjellströmSahlgrenska University Hospital, SwedenConference participation - ConRadReport (PDF)
Prabodha Kumar MeherStockholm University, SwedenConference participation - ICRRReport (PDF)
Anna BianchiLaboratori Nazionali di Legnaro - INFN, ItalyParticipation in ICDA-4 conferenceReport (PDF)
Maria KarampiperiLund University, SwedenAttending summer school "Marko Moscovitch" in ItalyReport (PDF)
Èlia Prades-SagarraMaastricht University, NetherlandsAttending Wolfsberg International MeetingReport (PDF)
Michelle AnderssonSCK CEN, BelgiumParticipation in EANM 2023 conference, ViennaReport (PDF)
Mostafa Karimi RoshanStockholm University, SwedenParticipation in ICRR2023, CanadaReport (PDF)
Jessica RibeiroSCK CEN, BelgiumParticipation in EMBL symposiumReport (PDF)
Ana Rita MeloUniversity of Coimbra, PortugalParticipation in ICRPReport (PDF)
Karolina KulisSilesian University of Technology in Gliwice, PolandParticipation in CELET courseReport (PDF)
Bill Wells KamtchouUniversity College Dublin, IrelandAttending RSNA annual meeting, ChicagoReport (PDF)
Ana Cravo SáInstituto Superior Técnico, PortugalAttend ESTRO 24Report (PDF)

Travel grants awarded in 2024

NameUniversity / InstituteAim of applicationActivity report
Federica PanzarellaSCK CEN, BelgiumWorkshop in Italy for data gathering (fieldwork)Report (PDF)
Fernando Miguel CostaCentro Hospitalar e Universitário de São João Oporto, PortugalParticipation in ESTRO 2024Report (PDF)
Léa DasqueIRSN, FranceExchange visit to Fukushima University, JapanReport (PDF)
Katalin BalázsSemmelweis University, HungaryAttending ERRS 2024 in Aveiro, PortugalReport (PDF)
Lisa DelochUniversitätsklinikum Erlangen, GermanyAttending COSPAR in Busan, Republic of KoreaReport (PDF)
Anna SelivanovaSURO, Czech RepublicParticipate in NERIS workshop in Attica, GreeceReport (PDF)
Begoña Pérez LópezCIEMAT, SpainOral presentation at IRPA 16th congress, Orlando, FloridaReport (PDF)
Soroush MajlesiUniversity of Helsinki, FinlandParticipation in ICRER 2024, Marseille, FranceReport (PDF)
Cansu Özcan KılcanUniversity of Tartu, EstoniaParticipation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, NorwayReport (PDF)
Diogo AlmeidaHasselt University, BelgiumParticipation in the 12th Interrad Course, BfS, GermanyReport (PDF)
Francesca DuchiSapienza University - INAIL, ItalyParticipation in the 12th Interrad Course, BfS, GermanyReport (PDF)
Feline HeinzelmannWPE, Essen and Dortmund University, GermanyAttending PTCOG 62 in SingaporeReport (PDF)
Lordford Tettey-LarbiUniversity of Pannonia, HungaryAttending RADONORM course in Katowice, PolandReport (PDF)
Shamil Samanta Galvez FeblesBfS, GermanyParticipation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, NorwayReport (PDF)
Zahra ShiraniUniversity of Eastern FinlandParticipation in ICRER 2024, Marseille, FranceReport (PDF)
Telma Silva MarquesInstituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, PortugalParticipation in a course: "Assessing Risk to Humans and the Environment" at NMBU, NorwayReport (PDF)
Margot CrevetIRSN, FranceStudy effects of ionizing radiation on honeybee colonies near the Fukushima nuclear power plant, JapanReport (PDF)
Eleftherios TzanisUniversity of Crete, GreeceParticipation in the 5th ECMP in Munich, GermanyReport (PDF)
Ilona Barbara CsordàsNCPHP, HungaryParticipation in ERRS 2024 conference, PortugalReport (PDF)
Íñigo Lara-AristimuñoUniversity Hospital Salut Sant Joan de Reus-Baix Camp, SpainParticipation in ESTRO training courseReport (PDF)
Dominika KochanováBiomedical Research Center, Slovak Academy of Sciences, SlovakiaParticipation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, ItalyReport (PDF)
Margareta MetznerGerman Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), GermanyAttending the IEEE Medical Imaging conference, Tampa, Florida Report (PDF)
Laura RuspeckhoferUniklinikum Erlangen, GermanyParticipation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, ItalyReport (PDF)
Maria KarampiperiLund University, SwedenParticipation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, ItalyReport (PDF)
Anja SchroffUniversity of Gothenburg, SwedenParticipation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, ItalyReport (PDF)
Jonathan SundströmUniversity of Gothenburg, SwedenParticipation in the European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW24) conference, Rome, ItalyReport (PDF)

Travel grants awarded in 2025

NameUniversity / InstituteAim of applicationActivity report
Fernando Miguel CostaRTT - São João Hospital, PortugalParticipation in ESTRO congressReport (PDF)
Kristyna Olsson HermanovaProton Therapy Center Czech, Czech RepublicExchange visitReport (PDF)
Laura Saint-LaryASNR, FranceParticipation in ESTRO congressReport (PDF)
Martin HjellströmUniversity of Gothenburg, SwedenEURADOS Annual meetingReport (PDF)
Verdi VanreuselSCK CEN and University of Antwerp, BelgiumResearch stay - Sapienza Università di Roma. ItalyReport (PDF)
Victor MerzaUniversity of Lisbon, PortugalParticipation in PTCOG 63 conferenceReport (PDF)