Calls Call 2024

Call 2024

PIANOFORTE Open Call 2024 is closed! Submitted project proposals are now evaluated. 

The European Partnership for Radiation Protection Research (acronym: PIANOFORTE) aims to improve knowledge and promote innovation in the field of radiation protection for the benefit of better protection of the public, patients, workers and the environment in all scenarios of exposure to ionizing radiation.

PIANOFORTE is launching the second transnational Open Call 2024 for Proposals to support innovative research projects in radioprotection. The aims of the call are:

Promoting international multidisciplinary research

Project proposals will address multidisciplinary and transnational research. This call will address 4 main topics and the project proposals must fall within one of them.
Topic 1: Developing a knowledge base for a better understanding of disease pathogenesis of ionising radiation-induced cancer to improve risk assessment
Topic 2: Ensure readiness and scientific knowledge to support Environmental Impact Assessment and emergency preparedness and response for novel nuclear technologies
Topic 3: Development of techniques and methods to go beyond effective dose in case of internal exposure following a nuclear or radiological emergency
Topic 4: Implementation of new and optimized radiation therapy approaches for better targeting to protect healthy tissues better against detrimental effects of incising radiation. 

Proposals must clearly demonstrate the potential impact on radiation protection in Europe as well as the added value of transnational collaboration.

Additionally, each proposal should consider, where appropriate, the following aspects:

The project coordinator will represent the consortium externally and towards the Call Secretariat of PIANOFORTE and PIANOFORTE coordination and will be responsible for its internal scientific management (such as controlling, reporting, intellectual property rights (IPR) issues and contact with the Call Secretariat or the PIANOFORTE coordination).
One joint proposal (in English) shall be prepared by all partners of a joint transnational proposal, entered and submitted via the online submission system by the transnational project coordinator. Research project consortia who intend to submit a transnational proposal should register on the system by clicking on the “sign up” tab and by following the further instructions. Electronic proposal submission is mandatory. All required sections in the system (presented in the proposal template) must be completed in order to submit the application.

Potential project consortium coordinators are recommended to read the Financial Call Conditions in the Call Text when they are looking for potential project consortium partners. Project partners are strongly advised to read the Financial Call Conditions in the Call Text and to consult the list of PIANOFORTE Beneficiaries and their Affiliated Entities.

General information

Call documents:

Frequently Asked Questions:

Information about consortium composition or budget aspects can be found in our FAQ (PDF, version 13.05.2024) and addendum (PDF, version 04.06.2024).

Infoday webinar information

PIANOFORTE organized an online meeting about the call on Tuesday 14th May 2024.

Video replay of the webinar is available on PIANOFORTE YouTube channel.

Presentation from the online meeting is also available: General information (PDF)

New Affiliated entities

Affiliated Entities are entities with a legal link to the beneficiaries which implement parts of the action and are allowed to charge costs directly to the grant. In case of new Affiliated entity, the beneficiary linked to this project participant shall communicate to the Call Secretariat of PIANOFORTE all the appropriate documents necessary to prove the status of Affiliated Entity before the proposals submission deadline on 23 July, 2024.The Call Secretariat of PIANOFORTE will transmit the document to IRSN as PIANOFORTE Coordinator which will transfer it to the European Commission. The decision regarding the status of Affiliated Entity is taken by the European Commission. 
If an entity is considered as an Affiliated Entity, said entity will be listed in article 8 of the PIANOFORTE Grant Agreement.

WARNING: If the status of Affiliated Entity is rejected by the European Commission, the participant will be considered as another kind of participant with the financial consequences attached. 

Submission deadline

Electronic proposal submission deadline: 23rd July 2024 15:00 CEST (Brussels local time).


Tomasz Kalita

Funding agencies/institutions requirements

The funding agencies or other funding institutions interested in funding their project-partners within the PIANOFORTE Open Call 2024 are encouraged to fill in the form below with the information on national requirements and eligibility criteria and send it to the Call Secretariat at:
National requirements template_PIANOFORTE_2024 for download.

The list of the funding agencies with their national or regional requirements will be available on the PIANOFORTE homepage. (none so far)