Topic 1: Developing a knowledge base for a better understanding of disease pathogenesis of ionising radiation-induced cancer to improve risk assessment
deCiphering the rOle of micRoenvironment after low-dose exposure for coloN carcinogenEsis and radiaTion risk
Unraveling brain tumor formation after low dose irradiation exposure
Mechanisms of the inversed relationship between menarche age and radiation-induced breast and endometrial cancer
Topic 2: Ensure readiness and scientific knowledge to support environmental impact assessment and emergency preparedness and response for novel nuclear technologies
Guidance for Innovative Reactor Off-Site Consequences, Planned and Emergency
Comprehensive Assessment and Preparedness for Emerging Nuclear Technologies
Topic 4: Implementation of new and optimized radiation therapy approaches for better targeting to protect healthy tissues better against detrimental effects of incising radiation.
Knowledge on outcome of adolescent and young adults with cancer
Computing whole-body radiation dose distributions and subsequent cancer risks from modern radiotherapy techniques in paediatric patients
Evaluation and optimization of proton arc therapy