WorkPackages WP3 Stakeholder engagement

WP3 Stakeholder engagement


This work package aims to connect the diverse set of relevant stakeholders within and outside the radiation protection community to show that radiation protection research influences and improves the lives of all European citizens. It also organizes as a central task the input to priority setting for all external target groups defined in 2.1, i.e. all inputs that are not already represented through consortium members or the platforms. To do so efficiently, all efforts in this work package build further on work that has been done in PIANOFORTE's predecessor CONCERT and other European initiatives. At the same time, this work package will use professional and agile consultation methods to consider the specific voice of the users of radiation science products as well as the broader civil society and make their input available for the prioritization process of the R&I open calls and the Partnership integration activities. It is paramount for the radiation protection research community in Europe to continuously identify the most urgent stakeholder needs for the large political missions of our time and stay visible in these fields as well - health, sustainability, innovation and safety.

A specific focus will be put on stakeholder needs in medical applications, specifically proton therapy.

The work is organizationally split up into five tasks and aims to actively collect relevant feedback to PIANOFORTE’s research calls, and plan and execute a variety of direct stakeholder engagement activities:

  1. Establish links with the European and non-European radiation protection community to create synergies and establish key elements of a global strategy for radiation protection; establish links with other EC Partnerships, like metrology, nuclear safety, waste management, health, environment, safety;
  2. Align diverse stakeholder interests with the partnership’s impact by involving key stakeholders in the priority setting of the R&I calls as part of an transparent, open priority setting process;
  3. Elaborate a stakeholder engagement plan (SEP) and set up the Stakeholder and Advisory Board (SAB) based on experiences from CONCERT EJP and other European programs; prepare, design, implement, feed-back, follow up, and evaluate all the stakeholder engagement activities;
  4. Maintain 2-way communication with the Stakeholder Advisory Board throughout the whole Partnership
  5. Secure a structured stakeholder involvement in the partnership’s R&I projects, and to enhance uptake of results and recommendations
  6. Use assembled expertise in radiation protection to address urgent stakeholder questions with respect to proton therapy. It is planned that the Joint Research Centre (JRC) will be involved in all Tasks in order to provide independent scientific advice in line with EU policy and help perpetuate the strong interaction between the RP research community and its target groups as well ensure strong synergies and complementarities with EC direct actions. All five task leading entities will work closely together to reach the overall goals outlined above.

Lead: BfS, Germany

Task 3.1 International partners and partnership priority setting

This task will make sure that the interests of target groups outside the partnership (i.e. stakeholder advisory board, connected entities and a diverse range of target groups) are represented in the call-based priority setting process and that PIANOFORTE’s overall strategy is in line with the needs of relevant target groups, see figure 2 This requires the setup of a “network infrastructure” of links to the target groups that can be used in all integration activities where useful and necessary.

These connected entities are the first (of three) pillars of external stakeholder involvement.

Throug direct stakeholders acitivites we aim to enhance visibility and presence of radiation protection research topics in relevant communities, setting a basis for strong dissemination (WP6).

Lead: BfS; Partners: DH-PHE, SU, GIG, EIMV, UTartu, STUK

Subtask 3.1.1 Link to international RP research initiatives/networks

We set up both continuous and / or call – based one-time links with relevant research initiatives / networks. This work focuses on the alignment of the JRM, SRAs and on general avoidance (or in relevant cases strategic focus on) double funding systems. The aim is to create lasting, permanent robust communication between different communities

  • establish / strengthen collaborative links with global or non-European radiation protection research initiatives/networks like PLANET, EPRI-IDEA for low-dose, ARADOS for dosimetry or /REMPAN for emergency preparedness;
  • establish collaborative links with other EC actions or H2020 projects in related fields like health, environment, safety… or enhance existing collaborations (e.g. SAMIRA action plan, EURAMET, EURAMED Rocc-n-roll, SINFONIA, MEDIRAD, MADEIRA, RadoNorm, EURAD, EAGMST …);
  • establish collaborative links with industry oriented organisations involved in NORM (e.g. the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP), Zircon Industry Association (ZIA), European NORM Association (ENA));
  • align with the research priorities identified by e.g. ICRP, NEA, UNSCEAR; IAEA…
  • align with NRTs with RP-connection, i.e. NRT-01-01, 07, 08, 10, 12, 13 in a structured format.

These connections will be managed by BfS but will be based on existing connections of the wide range of PIANOFORTE’s members.

Subtask 3.1.2 Priority setting for R&I calls

Throughout PIANOFORTE we aim for a systematic, balanced and transparent system of priority setting / stakeholder involvement, see figure 2, that follows the principles of open science from the start.
This involves organization of internal (WP2) and external stakeholders (WP3).
This work focusses on integrating different stakeholder inputs into the generic priority setting process of all calls: from the Stakeholder advisory board, the direct stakeholder consultations and the linked international initiatives and networks.

Subtask 3.1.3 Coordination of stakeholder engagement within PIANOFORTE

While most stakeholder engagement will be organized in this work package, there is also lots of “customer centricity” in other work packages as well, i.e. in data and infrastructure, education and training and impact creation.
WP3 will coordinate relevant stakeholder activities for external stakeholders in the integration work packages of PIANOFORTE to ensure a systematic, transparent and robust stakeholder engagement process. To do this, we will have a central point to coordinate the timing / amount / type of overall stakeholder activities within all WPs, with specific representatives from these work packages.

Task 3.2 Partnership Projects

This task’s mission is to use best practices wrt stakeholder engagement from CONCERT, align stakeholder activities in funded R&I projects, coordinate and oversee stakeholder communication


Subtask 3.2.1 Learning from CONCERT EJP projects to create stakeholder engagement criteria for R&I calls

In this subtask we will evaluate stakeholder input and guidance for CONCERT R&I calls, and create best practice examples as input for PIANOFORTEs SAB discussion.
This includes analysis of the deliverables from CONCERT (D5.1-->D5.4) concerning the stakeholder engagement in research projects preparation.

Subtask 3.2.2 Oversee running projects and link to overall stakeholder activity

Once PIANOFORTE R&I projects are running, this task will coordinate and link their stakeholder activity into the larger engagement plan as developed in task 3.4.

Task 3.3 Stakeholder Engagement Planning and Management

This task’s mission is to create a stakeholder advisory board and a stakeholder engagement plan that integrates all stakeholder activities during the partnership. The main objective of this task is to set up the Stakeholder and Advisory Board (SAB) as the second pillar of external stakeholder engagement and to elaborate a Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP), to secure a structured strong stakeholder involvement in PIANOFORTE activities and developments, as well as to enhance uptake of results and recommendations through fluent communication with stakeholders.


Subtask 3.3.1 Stakeholder and Advisory Board (SAB) establishment

The first step will be a mapping all the potential stakeholders – also based on CONCERT results - , including representatives of the target groups defined in 2.1: Government authorities (European and national policy makers, regulatory authorities, other national, regional and local authorities); experts in radiation protection and other related disciplines (international and European organizations, research centres, universities); civil society and affected communities (civil society organizations, nuclear and non-nuclear industry workers, citizens, patients, NGOs, media).

The SAB is expected to have 10 to 15 members. To select its memberships several aspects will be taken into account, as for example the tasks/functions assigned to them (to be detailed in the SEP developed in subtask 3.3.2) or their influence and interest in the developments to be done in PIANOFORTE. There must be a balance within the SAB representatives regarding different disciplines or functions in radiation protection and related disciplines (medicine, radiobiology, dosimetry, radioecology, emergency preparedness, social sciences and humanities, ethics, science or federal authorities, medical unions, NORM involving industries...), geographical distribution and gender. SAB will also have non-experts in radiation protection representatives to represent the wider “civil society”.

Once the SAB membership is established, a document with the mission and rules of the PIANOFORTE Stakeholder and Advisory Board will be developed (based on lessons learned in CONCERT).

Subtask 3.3.2 Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP)

An overall SEP will be designed and implemented, not only for the SAB, but also for other potential stakeholder activities within PIANOFORTE.
The SEP will describe the strategy to follow for stakeholder participation in the activities carried out throughout PIANOFORTE, the rules to run the stakeholder network activities (Task 3.4), the anticipated impacts of such engagement, and a work plan of actions to be carried out.
In addition, the SEP will describe the possible mechanisms and tools to be used for the involvement of stakeholders and follow up of their input and comments (to assure that their views and concerns are heard) and for the evaluation of the stakeholder engagement activities (to determine if, and when, the SEP needs to be updated).
To develop the SEP, the lessons learned from the EJP-CONCERT and other European projects (e.g. ENGAGE) on stakeholder engagement will be considered.

Task 3.4 Direct Stakeholder Engagement

This task’s mission is to carry out the activities outlined in the stakeholder engagement plan (SEP), such as an e-survey, online public consultations and meetings throughout the tasks of this WP, the other integration work with packages and the R&I projects within PIANOFORTE. This is the third pillar of PIANOFORTE’s external stakeholder interaction: topical, directed online interaction organized by a central professional agency and guided and led by PIANOFORTE’s members.

The main objectives of the task are to map needs, interest and potential impacts of identified stakeholders, establish specific stakeholder networks (depending on defined criteria e.g., topical, regional stakeholders networks, and in contrast to the already existing stakeholder networks identified in task 3.1) and to engage them, through various tools and events, in order to gain information on their opinions, needs, requirements related to the Partnership activities of importance for (a) research priorities, and (b) update of the existing SRA and JRM for radiation protection or other, community-relevant outputs of the project. Direct engagement activities in the form of pro-active interactions and innovative participatory processes will be organized for networks of stakeholders according to the SEP (developed in Task 3.3). Practically, once a prioritization process is started by WP2, this task will organize direct online consultations with the subset of groups that are the most affected by this specific calls. These meetings will be organized centrally and be run online to allow a wide participation from all member states throughout the partnership.


Subtask 3.4.1 Stakeholder mapping and establishing stakeholder networks for direct engagement

Not all stakeholders will have the same interest level nor will be affected by the same impacts, and classifying them according to the predefined criteria will make managing communication issues and their inputs easier.
Therefore, once identified in the previous tasks, stakeholders will be mapped according to the developed mapping criteria matrix, which may include stakeholder main interest, but also consideration of the research priority outcomes and lessons learned from the EJP CONCERT, transdisciplinary aspects and existing interfaces between radiation protection of the human health and the environment.

Based on results of mapping, smaller network groups of target stakeholder groups will be organized to allow for more efficient communication. National contact points will be assigned to facilitate the involvement of national and/or local stakeholders from the different European countries.

Subtask 3.4.2 Direct stakeholder engagement – e-survey

During the EJP CONCERT, radiation risk perception and attitude towards the different radiation protection issues have been explored in the wide range of public groups through a public survey on different national languages. While the survey results showed a reasonable level of public satisfaction with the available information regarding radiation risk, there has been clearly shown a potential for improvement of the main radiological protection concepts understanding as well as potential for training, further risk communication and stakeholder engagement in the knowledge creation and dissemination. Therefore, an e-survey, dedicated to exploring these specific questions within the area of general radiation protection and possible public knowledge improvements is foreseen within this partnership. A thorough analysis of the results of the previous specific stakeholder panels and public surveys will be done in order to define priority questions to be explored.

This e-survey will aim to advertise PIANOFORTE partnership to the wider stakeholder community in early months of the partnership. In parallel, it will allow gaining insights on changing stakeholders’ opinions about topics that potentially should be priorities in radiation protection, and relating them to the topics for R&I calls coming later in the partnerships course.

The survey is foreseen as a smaller scale, English language-based follow-up of the one done in the EJP CONCERT. It will be organized in the first months of the partnership, as a one-time activity and not as a part of the stakeholder engagement that will be done for all R&I calls in the partnership.

Subtask 3.4.3 Direct stakeholder engagement - topical online consultations and meetings

A series of up to ten topical online consultation meetings with the different identified stakeholder groups will be organised, where expectations of end-users’ participation in this partnership, their views on research priorities within PIANOFORTE, and input on SRAs and JRM of radiation protection research will be regularly discussed throughout the partnership course.

Given the European focus on sustainability, these consultations will be organized online, consisting of pre-meeting target group surveys (small size), followed by related online discussions of expert group and wider audience, and post meeting result analysis. Stakeholder input from these meetings will then be communicated to WP2 as input to the process of research topics prioritization before each R&I call.

Two online meetings per R&I call are envisioned to focus on relevant target groups, depending on the overall direction the R&I calls take. The calls should be centrally organized and handled throughout the project to guarantee homogenous quality. Another opportunity for these target group online consultations is the update of the JRM or relevant activities in other integration work packages.

Task 3.5 Addressing stakeholder interests of DG Health: radiation protection and proton therapy (PT)

This task’s mission deals with proton therapy as it has been identified by DG Health and DG Research as an urgent, relevant medical technology with overlap to open radiation protection questions. Using the network of involved parties in PIANOFORTE and the stakeholder network created in tasks 3.1 – 3.4 we will address open research questions and identify gaps of knowledge related to radiation protection, dosimetry, radiobiology and related medical physics issues by bringing experts and target groups together.

Lead: IFJ, Partners: SKANDION, KULeuven, INFN, UCaen, SCK CEN, BfS

Subtask 3.5.1

The ICRU 78 Report from 2007, which is a guideline for prescribing, recording and reporting proton therapy (PT), is outdated for the current Pencil Beam Scanning technology and is planned to be updated within a few years. Additional, national guidelines and recommendations differ throughout Europe and lack details wrt radiation protection aspects. In the last decade a significant number of scientific papers and reports were published in the field of PT but the clinical data on the effectiveness of PT is still limited. Here we aim to bring together clinical experts in PT with representatives of the radiation protection research to create a fast “scientific sprint” within the first six months of the partnership. The aim of this group would be to analyze and review existing original literature and literature overviews and from the European perspective accumulate clinical evidence in PT, guidelines and recommendations for QA practices, audits and development of common protocols. This critical review will be of particular interest for the newly developed PT centers in planning of their research and upgrading the clinical practice. By doing so we address a concrete question of DG Health put to the PIANOFORTE partnership during the proposal process on how guidelines can contribute to improve the research and clinical practice in PT.

Lead: IFJ, Partners: SKANDION, KULeuven, INFN, UCaen

Subtask 3.5.2

In this subtask we organize two hybrid workshops of two to three days length with invited speakers from within and without the PIANOFORTE partnership to discuss further open questions of the target groups (the users of PT), focusing on radiation protection aspects of open questions with respect to efficacy and efficiency of PT. This will be done in close cooperation with the EC and relevant PT stakeholders to identify questions with a strong overlap to radiation protection research.

Lead: SCK CEN, partners: BfS, IFJ, SKANDION, KULeuven, INFN, UCaen