News Call for projects 2024 - New Affiliated Entities and FAQ

Call for projects 2024 - New Affiliated Entities and FAQ

Affiliated Entities are entities with a legal link to the Beneficiaries which implement parts of the action and are allowed to charge costs directly to the grant.

In case of new Affiliated Entity, the Beneficiary linked to this project participant shall communicate to the Call Secretariat of PIANOFORTE all the appropriate
documents necessary to prove the status of Affiliated Entity before the proposals submission deadline on Tuesday 23rd July, 2024.

The Call Secretariat of PIANOFORTE will transmit the document to IRSN as PIANOFORTE Coordinator which will transfer it to the European Commission.
The decision regarding the status of Affiliated Entity is taken by the European Commission. 
If an entity is considered as an Affiliated Entity, said entity will be listed in article 8 of the PIANOFORTE Grant Agreement.
WARNING: If the status of Affiliated Entity is rejected by the European Commission, the participant will be considered as another kind of participant
with the financial consequences attached.

We ask all institutions to apply for the status of new Affiliated Entity as soon as possible. We inform you also, that the information about consortium composition
and budget aspects has been ammended (addendum June 2024).