Leader: National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NNGyK), Hungary
Investigate how radiotherapy (RT) influences immunogenic heterogeneity of breast cancer (BC) cells of different molecular subtypes using in vitro and in vivo approaches. Test the applicability and suitability of nanoparticles for the characterisation and detection of BC heterogeneity through X-ray fluorescence imaging (XFI) and tomography (XFCT). Identify local and systemic signatures that predict patient benefit from combined RT and immunotherapy and test their clinical applicability. Integrate data from experimental models and human studies with epidemiological data to build a protocol for optimal patient stratification.
Leader: Otto von Guericke University (OvGU), Germany
WP2 will develop and optimise a prototype XFI system by means of simulation and experiments for breast cancer models, identify potential XFI-based image phenotypes from targeted nanoparticles for tissue characterisation, and follow if radiation response from RT can be detectable.
It will be investigated if the impact of RT is detectable from corresponding interactions between BC cells, immune cells, or other components of the tumor stroma through in vitro and in vivo-mimicking approaches.
Leader: University of Pavia (UNIPV), Italy
WP3 will work with ex-vivo human BC samples, screening for molecular signatures of RT application and immune system activation with several techniques, including spatial multiomics, as well as analysing in vitro the interactions of cancer cells isolated from these samples and maintained in co-culture with patient-derived lymphocytes.
Leader: Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), Spain
Investigate state of knowledge and data availability on outcomes of combined breast cancer treatments by tumor types and characteristics to identify patient groups with predictive values for combined RT and immunotherapy.
Leader: National Center for Public Health and Pharmacy (NNGyK), Hungary
Coordinate the project, manage dissemination and education and training strategies, and handle data management.