The kick-off meeting will be organised in the beginning of the project (month 1).
The periodic meetings are scheduled in connection with reporting periods (close to months 9; 21; 33; 45; 60). The periodic meetings include closed sessions for the entire consortium & open sessions for participants outside the consortium.
The Executive Board (ExB: coordinator, WP Leaders, MEENAS representative) will organise its meetings as often as necessary, approximately 3-4 times per year (virtual meetings). It ensures the successful management and execution of the project by taking care of the coordination and correct implementation of the scientific project tasks of the respective work packages. The ExB shall make decisions on all matters related to the structure of the consortium, restructuring of the Work Packages, for which no contract amendment is needed, and the preparation and final approval of the reports and deliverables (with the exception of those related to financial matters) prior to the submission to the EC. The ExB reports to and is accountable to the General Assembly.
The General Assembly (GA: coordinator, all participant members nominated by the Member States as POM, plus representatives of the six participating European RTD platforms MELODI, ALLIANCE, NERIS, SHARE, EURAMED and EURADOS) will have its meetings as often as necessary, at least once a year. The GA is the ultimate decision making organ of the consortium on the financial level whose responsibility is to make sure that the project’s objectives related to open scientific and integration calls are achieved. The GA shall make decisions on all budget-related matters, funding PIANOFORTE Grantees as a result of open calls, administration of funded coordinated projects and on matters related to national co-funding. The GA finally approves reports and deliverables related to financial matters prior to the submission to the EC. Decisions of principal character, which will affect the entire consortium, will be made by the GA, e.g. inclusion of new partners, amendments to the work Programme, and amendments to the Consortium Agreement.
Lead: ASNR, ExB members, General Assembly members