WorkPackages WP6 Knowledge management, communication, dissemination and impact creation

WP6 Knowledge management, communication, dissemination and impact creation


The main objectives of WP6 are:


The WP6 aims to communicate, disseminate and exploit the outputs of the project, as well as to keep the sustainability of PIANOFORTE project.

The focus of the communication activities is to inform about and promote results of the project to the multiple audiences in a bi-directional exchange. The communication and dissemination requirements will be specified in the PIANOFORTE Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR). The exploitation enables specific use of the project results through different (i.e. scientific and educational) routes by interested organizations or other target audiences outside the project itself.

The WP6 will enable access to research data through on-line web repository.

Lead: SURO, Czech Republic

Task 6.1 Knowledge management

Task 6.1 consists of two subtasks, both of which aim to make the scientific output of PIANOFORTE available to audiences both within and outside the project.
The aim of this subtask is to create a sustainable memory of PIANOFORTE’s scientific results that is available across member states(subtask 6.1.1) as well as to participants in the partnership (subtask 6.1.2)


Subtask 6.1.1

M1-M60: this subtask aims to develop practical knowledge management tools that contribute to integration of national research programs as well as to a sustainable collective memory.

To achieve this, we will
  1. compare knowledge management tools developed in member states, with particular attention to barriers that complicate integration of national programs,
  2. identify best practices developed in other European projects and
  3. carry out a SWOT analysis (M 1-30).

The outcomes of these steps will be incorporated in a white paper (M60) and used to develop practical tools for knowledge management tailored to the field of radiation protection (M60).

Lead: RIVM

Subtask 6.1.2

The success of PIANOFORTE is dependent not only on what is accomplished, but also on the effectiveness at communicating the outputs to all the participants in the partnership, as well as to external stakeholders. Effective communication means that we provide expected information to appropriate receiver, in the correct format, on time and with the desired impact.

Considering complexity of the partnership the goal of the Internal Communication Plan (ICP) is to avoid duplication of efforts, to promote efficient use of project mid-results and to achieve possible synergies. For that, efficient flow of information and data among main consortium partners (beneficiaries), associated parties winning open calls as well students and young researchers participating in PIANOFORTE must be developed and properly maintained due the course of the project.

The ICP (M4) will be based on experience gained in past European projects, and will consist of a matrix of communication needs among all parties involved in PIANOFORTE, and the delivery schedules, to keep all PIANOFORTE participants well informed about plans, activities and results of the partnership.

Special attention will be paid to communication among teams involved in project realization (M6) selected in frame of open calls and with students and young researchers participating in PIANOFORTE. For that, the on-line communication tools developed in Task 6.3 (public and PIANOFORTE-partners web pages, social media, etc.) will be used, supported when needed, with mailing of the adequate information to the participants.


Task 6.2 Communication and dissemination

The objective of this work package is to facilitate an efficient communication among partnership members and to promote and disseminate the results effectively to the broader research community and key stakeholders.


Subtask 6.2.1 Communication

A comprehensive communication plan will be set up at the beginning of the partnership. This strategy will be continuously reviewed and adapted as needed in order to provide tailored information to the target groups through appropriate channels. The communication team will continuously involve the entire consortium in internal and external communication activities based on a variety of tools, including web-based communication such as the public PIANOFORTE website or social media (newsletters, information leaflets, videos); media such as partnership flyers (electronic versions preferred and printed only if appropriate) and press releases; conferences and workshops such as those organised by radiation protection research platforms MELODI, EURAMED, ALLIANCE, EURADOS, NERIS, SHARE or the EC.

Lead: VIAA

Subtask 6.2.2 Exploitation and dissemination of results

The Plan for Exploitation and Dissemination of Results (PEDR) will be prepared for results generated by the PIANOFORTE network. Detailed call results, statistics and project abstracts will be published on the public website after each open call. Whenever open call projects are finished the main results will be checked and in selected cases success stories will be published. An online catalogue of funded projects will be compiled.

Data will be prepared for online search and include options to filter by year, country, budget, timeframe, keywords, etc. This will help improve the knowledge about the European radiation protection research and give the opportunity to connect different research communities to create research consortia leading to efficiency gains in further funding efforts. In addition, PIANOFORTE intends to be present and visible at selected national and international events. The communication team will annually request all consortium members to list their scheduled participation in scientific, political, and commercial events for effectively enhancing PIANOFORTE impact. The following examples will be considered – among others - for these purposes: European Radiation Protection Week (ERPW), European Congress on Radiation Protection and International Conference on Radiation Safety. The PIANOFORTE consortium is also planning to organize 3 partnership seminars with the intention to support the consortia funded under the open calls in exploiting their results. Researchers will present their project progress, promote research results, and discuss potential applications.

In the interest of efficiency, size of audience, and cost limitation, these seminars will be organized as satellite events to major conferences in which consortium members participate regularly. In case a physical meeting is not possible, various remote communication options – such as webinars and videoconferences – will be implemented. Each partner of the consortium will use their own digital platforms (website, blogs, social media) to direct the public and stakeholders to the PIANOFORTE platforms and social media channels. Therefore, partners will establish links on their central websites and ask stakeholders to support PIANOFORTE by doing so (in co-operation with WP3).

Lead: VIAA

Task 6.3 On-line communication tools

In the task 6.3, the online tools will be established for the communication and dissemination activities of the PIANOFORTE. The communication and dissemination material will be based on the outputs from task 6.2.

Subtasks are aimed at developing the web pages of the partnership, setting up corresponding social media, and to internal communication and storage system of the partnership. The identified stakeholder networks from the WP3, as well as research infrastructure identified in the WP5, shall be used for on-line communication and dissemination.

All the online tools will be regularly maintained and updated.


Subtask 6.3.1 Partnership website and on-line tools

The design of the graphics of the partnership will be developed, as well as the partnership website.
All the information about PIANOFORTE will be visible at the website.
News related to the partnership will be regularly updated and displayed.
Connection to the social media channels will be made.


Subtask 6.3.2 Social media communication

Several social media channels will be formed in order to reach different target communities, including wider public audience.
Twitter and Facebook will be used for public information, LinkedIn and Research Gate will be used for professionals and scientific communities.
Other social media (e.g. YouTube or TEDx) will be considered for video content.
Information about open calls and other important PIANOFORTE milestones will be regularly communicated through these channels.


Subtask 6.3.3 Internal communication

On-line project repository including internal partnership place will be established within subtask 6.3.3. One of the commercially accessible tools will be used for this purpose (e.g. Microsoft Sharepoint).

Internal communication tool based on the commercially accessible tools (e.g. Microsoft Teams) will be prepared for the communication among all the partnership partners, as well as for organizations taking part in open calls utilizing efficient group and individual communication using deliverables from subtask 6.1.2.


Task 6.4 Impact creation

The impact creation task will ensure that the results/knowledge created by PIANOFORTE reaches the appropriate target groups to improve radiation protection in the EU. It will use the stakeholder network set-up within WP3 and collaborate closely with WP3.

The task is divided into 6 subtasks, the first of which aims at applying metrics to measure the impact of PIANOFORTE by comparing the level of relevant competence in the EU before and after the partnership.

The aim of subtasks 2-5 is to assure that tangible PIANOFORTE results are received by the relevant stakeholders.

The final subtask will assist researchers in forming strong consortia that will apply for projects via open calls, maximizing the research impact.


Subtask 6.4.1 Measuring impact

  • M1-M8: To define metrics for measuring impact.
  • M8-M14: To map competence in radiation protection in the EU (radiation protection institutes and radiation protection research groups) and apply metrics (situation at the beginning of PIANOFORTE). Input will come from Sub-task 2.3.4 (WP2).
  • M60: Apply metrics to measure impact (situation at the end of PIANOFORTE).

Lead: SU

Subtask 6.4.2 Impact creation via stakeholders

The objective is to organise annual web meetings of PIANOFORTE beneficiaries and SAB members to present the development of PIANOFORTE and its impact on radiation protection in the EU.
This subtask will be performed in collaboration with WP3.

Lead: BfS

Subtask 6.4.3 Impact creation via national representatives to EURATOM and the EC Scientific and Technical Committee (STC)

The Subtask leader will organize show case meetings for EURATOM national representatives and the EC Scientific and Technical Committee to present the development of PIANOFORTE and its impact on radiation protection in the EU.

Lead: ASNR

Subtask 6.4.4 Impact creation via international RP organisations

The Subtask leader (assisted by task participants) will organize show case meetings for IRPA, ICRP, ICRU, UNSCEAR, HERCA, NEA/CRPPH, EAN, ISOE, IAEA, WHO, ILO to present the development of PIANOFORTE and its impact on radiation protection in the EU, in coordination with WP3.

Lead: CEPN

Subtask 6.4.5 Impact creation via national RP offices and organisations

The Subtask leader (assisted by task participants) will organize show case meetings for European national RP offices to present the development of PIANOFORTE and its impact on radiation protection in the EU.

Lead: EK

Subtask 6.4.6 Impact creation via projects

When open calls for projects are launched, the subtask leader (assisted by task participants) will organize information meetings for EU researcher groups about the call content and expectations to achieve impact.
This will facilitate the formation of strong research consortia, leading to results with high impact for radiation protection.

Lead: NNK