D1.1 | First periodic report to the EC in accordance with the provisions of the consortium contract | R - document, report |
D1.2 | Annual work programme for year 2 | R - document, report |
D1.3 | Second periodic report to the EC in accordance with the provisions of the consortium contract | R - document, report |
D2.1 | Research priorities for the first open call | R - document, report |
D2.6 | Guidelines on integration of social sciences and humanities | R - document, report |
D3.1 | Stakeholder comments on Exeboard suggestion for call topics & criteria from connected entities (3.1.1), SAB (3.3.1) and online consultations of target groups (3.4.3) for first call | R - document, report |
D3.2 | Stakeholder comments on Exeboard suggestion for call topics & criteria from connected entities (3.1.1), SAB (3.3.1) and online consultations of target groups (3.4.3) for second call | R - document, report |
D3.4 | General stakeholder recommendations for the PIANOFORTE open calls (call criteria, what partnership projects should look for wrt stakeholder activities). | R - document, report |
D3.5 | Stakeholder and Advisory Board composition, mission and rules | R - document, report |
D3.6 | First version of the Stakeholder Engagement Plan | R - document, report |
D3.7 | Report with the view on recommended clinical and research practices in modern proton therapy | R - document, report |
D3.8 | E-survey on public understanding of radiation protection issues | R - document, report |
D3.9 | Conclusions from the Proton Therapy workshops | R - document, report |
D4.1 | Rules and guidelines for the support of: 1) courses, 2) the mobility programme for PhD students and early career researchers, 3) CPD for RP professionals | R - document, report |
D4.2 | Criteria for financing a European PhD and early career researcher/professional association | R - document, report |
D4.3 | 2nd report on the received applications, evaluation, consultation with PIANOFORTE beneficiaries and final decision of the calls, including financial reporting of task 1, 2, 3 and 4.1 | R - document, report |
D5.1 | Terms of reference for the WP5 Infrastructures oversight committee, including criteria for evaluation of applications for WP5 funds | R - document, report |
D5.2 | Data Management Plan | DMP - Data management Plan |
D5.3 | Infrastructure intercomparisons review | R - document, report |
D6.1 | Strategy and plan for communication, dissemination and exploitation of results | R - document, report |
D6.2 | Internal communication plan | R - document, report |
D6.3 | External communication plan | R - document, report |
D6.4 | Information on projects selected for funding - call 1 | R - document, report |
D6.7 | Dissemination video | DEC- Websites, patent filings, videos, etc |
D7.1 | Call documents: governance of the Call and evaluation document, call text, Guidelines for applicants, proposal templates, for the PIANOFORTE open Call 1 | R - document, report |
D7.2 | Ranked list of eligible projects to be funded from the joint international peer review of full proposals for the PIANOFORTE open Call 1 | R - document, report |